9/11 Memorial Ruck March 2022 Briefing
Date of Event: September 9, 2022
Meeting Time: 1730hours
Step Off Time: 1800hours
Estimated End Time: 2000hours
Estimated Distance: 4 miles
Uniform: T-shirt, trousers, comfortable hiking boots, or sneakers, headlamp, face mask/shield
Recommended gear: Water, snacks, warming layer, raincoat, and spare clothing
COVID-19 Precautions: All participants are recommended to wear a mask and practice proper hygiene. If you are feeling ill or sick, we request you stay home for your safety and the safety of others.
Waiver agreement: Please find an event organizer to sign the event waiver.
1730hrs: Meet at USS Intrepid. West Side of 46th Street and West Side Highway. Check-in with event organizers Joseph, Alexa, or Brett. Event chem lights, and lanyard (for attaching chemlights)will Black 6 Project gaiters, will be issued out. Water or Gatorade will be available at the beginning and end of the Ruck March
Meet up location at Intrepid Sea, Air, and Space Museum
Pier 86, W 46th Street, New York, NY 10036
We will be forming up on the west side. Intersection of 46th Street and West Side Highway/12th Avenue
1800hrs- Begin Formation. Gather with your respective platoons in preparation of beginning of march.
Double interval spacing or 6ft apart- Spread out approx 2 arms lengths away from each other
Route will be discussed and briefed.
Address accountability of all members in platoon. Please check out with your platoon commander if you plan to separate from platoon at any given time. Go with a buddy
1815- Call to attention.
Pledge of Allegience
Final Instructions- Road guards
Right Face, Forward March- Formation will head southwest down the West side highway/Hudson greenway.
2000hrs- Formation will make a left on Murray Street and cross West Side Highway heading East. After one block, we will be making a right turn on Greenwich Street. The formation will halt at Silverstein Family Park and we will consolidate and wait for all participants to arrive.
Ruck March will end at Silverstein Family Park
Silverstein Family Park is a triangular shaped park with a shallow fountain, south of BMCC (Borough of Manhattan Community College).
2030hrs- Final formation. Closing Remarks
Tables will be set up by Portable Provisions and food will be distributed.
Anyone wanting to continue into the memorial is free to do so. The memorial may be crowded so it may be best to walk into the area in smaller private groups.
For up to date information you can check the event page on Facebook: Ruck March Event Page
After the Ruck March, we are invited to network and have some drinks and food at Tavern on Reade, approximately 4 blocks away from the endpoint of the Ruck March. 59 Reade Street, New York, NY 10007
If you have any questions, please contact us via email info@black6project.org